The evolution of a tomato:


It’s hard to describe just how much tomatoes love their self-watering containers, but these photos speak for themselves:

They went from this:



To this:

Evo - tall babies


To the great outdoors:

Evo - outside


Where they grew:

Evo - half way there


And became monsters: (notice no more window, they’re easily six feet tall)

Evo - jungle


And finally, finally weeks after they were expected they produced actual REAL tomatoes:

 Evo - actual tomatoes


This has been a very trying year for many gardeners and farmers. From late blight in many areas to a very late start to the season up north, from late thaws to a cold and windy and rainy summer, it seems like everything was stacked against poor crops this year. Probably this is, because I started a garden. But I’ve taken a look at many a friends’ garden patch to see how their ‘maters are doing, and after doing that I’m especially impressed by mine.

Most tomatoes around here hover around two feet tall, with a few tomatoes on each plant. This is owing to poor clayey soil, insufficient water, chilly nights and a short season, but my plants have persevered and are easily the tallest I’ve seen outside the greenhouse.  They started producing quite late, due to a cold summer, but if there’s any hope of a warm September, I may even see a few of them ripen. Here’s hoping!