Wily little weeds



I’ve been weeding a fair bit lately, trying to be all proactive like they say I should, and it’s been a war. During the big spring clean-up when we (read my brother), weeded, trimmed and top-dressed with compost the beds looked clean, groomed and proper.


Weed free bed

Weed free bed


All the bushes (don’t ask me what they are cause I can’t tell you even under threat of torture) were starting to grow fresh vibrant little leaves, and my faith in my new found gardening skillz was replenished.



Emerging growth

Emerging growth


New little bushes

New little bushes



But the weeds came, saw and are desperately trying to conquer. They are not only popping up right through the compost mulch, they’re bringing friends, reinforcements and hold committee meetings.


I’ve been stalking them faithfully, weeder in hand but they’re smart and wily. Now they’re starting to invade the plants themselves, rooting deeply between branches and using them for cover like they went to military school for tactical training.


Invading a shrub

Invading a shrub



The long leaves belong to a smart dandelion

The long leaves belong to a smart dandelion



I’m baffled by this technique and am not sure what to do other than shear leaves to the ground and remove all flower stalks. Even google seems silent. Anyone out there deal with invasive plants of abnormal intelligence? Is there a way to root them out permanently? Or am I stuck with the impasse of damage control?